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[VLOG] Estimation in Scrum (Deep Tutorial)

This is a free step-by-step deep tutorial about estimation techniques. There are three main categories of estimation:1- Absolute Estimation2- Relative Estimation3- Flow Metrics In this video, I will talk about thinking guidelines for…

Velocity und Goodhart’s Law 🇩🇪

In Kürze: Velocity und Goodhart’s Law Stellen Sie sich vor, der Vorgesetzte Ihres Teams besteht darauf, dass ein erfolgreiches Team seine Velocity regelmäßig verbessert. Wie könnten Sie als Team diese seltsame, unangemessene Forderung…

Helping team with focus

I'm a SM for two teams. On each of the teams I have a developer who SEEM to have ADHD. What is the best way to work with someone when one of the pillars of Scrum is "focus?" Facilitating meetings with these folks has been

Why Do We Need the Product Owner?

The PO maximises value by setting the direction for the product, reflecting the customer needs and desires in clear business objectives, assessing technical challenges, and validating assumptions. This article was first published in the…

El viaje de la entrega de valor

El dominio de las prácticas de gestión ágil de producto es esencial para un Product Owner exitoso. Tener presente a los usuarios y clientes durante todo el proceso de desarrollo es necesario para aumentar la transparencia y mejorar la…

Feeling like I’m done

I’ve been a scrum master for 5 years. I’ve been to trainings and certified to train others. I’ve set up successful teams, departments, and programmes. I’ve been across consulting, contracting, and perm. And I’m just tired with it all. I

How to be a REALLY GOOD Scrum Master.

In this Responsive Advisors Lightning Round, Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper,  Jason Malmstadt, and I explore the true skills that make a really good Scrum Master. Learn what sets great Scrum Masters apart from the rest. We will…