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Kendis ISO 27001 Certification

Kendis is excited to announce our ISO 27001 certification. As you may know, ISO 27001 is the world’s best-known standard for information security management systems (ISMS) and their requirements. What does this mean? Kendis has always…

SAFe Summit 2022 Blog

Our special guest, Kendo the cow Thank you to everyone who visited the Kendis booth at the SAFe Summit 2022! We had an incredible time meeting both current and future customers. We were blown away by the excitement that people had about…

PI Planning Agenda – Now with Kendis

In the post-Covid-19 world, a marked shift of circumstances has impacted the Program Increment (PI) Planning Agenda harsher than ever. With remote facilitation becoming the new norm, there are now new problems demanding newer solutions. The…

How to run PI Planning in Jira with Remote Teams

There is nothing better than having everyone in the same room for PI, tribe or big room planning. But it’s not easy, it’s expensive and not everyone can travel. Kendis offers solution, which enables teams to plan together from different…

Advantages of Quantitative Risk Assessment

When creating a project, encountering risks is inevitable. With growing technologies and newly evolving working methodologies, risk management has become extremely important. Risks need to be identified and mitigated properly or they can…